FDA grants $3.9 million to study flavored e-cigarettes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a $3.9 million grant to the Center for Tobacco Research at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. The purpose of the grant is to fund a study focused on investigating the impact of e-cigarette flavors on the smoking behavior of current adult cigarette users.

The study, led by Theodore Wagner, Director of the Center for Tobacco Research at Ohio State University, and Tracy Smith of the Hollins Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina, aims to provide more rigorous evidence regarding the effects of flavored e-cigarettes on smokers’ behavior and choices.

According to Wagner, the FDA faces a challenge in balancing the protection of minors with providing adults with a range of harm-reduced product options. The study aims to address this challenge by conducting a nationwide randomized controlled trial involving up to 1,500 cigarette users from across the United States. The trial will assess various factors, including e-cigarette flavor impact on product absorption, appeal, cigarette cravings, symptoms, dependence, and overall smoking behavior.

Wagner explained that previous studies examining the potential benefits of flavored e-cigarettes for cigarette users transitioning to vaping have not provided sufficient evidence for the FDA to make regulatory decisions. The study intends to provide more definitive insights into whether flavored e-cigarettes have a significant impact on helping adult smokers switch to vaping.

The findings of this research could potentially influence the FDA\’s approach to regulating flavored e-cigarettes, as the study outcomes may provide valuable data for future decision-making regarding the marketing and availability of flavored e-cigarette products.

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